Current projects we are participating in:

  • RO/2023/02, Vybrané aspekty řízení lidských zdrojů podporující inovativnost jako klíčový faktor výkonnosti organizací [Selected Aspects of Human Resource Management Supporting Innovation as a Key Factor of Organizational Performance], MŠMT, UTB ve Zlíně, 2023-2024.
  • IGA/FaME/2023/012, Closed and open innovations: role of human resource, servant leadership, digitalisation, and uncertainty, IGA/MŠMT, UTB ve Zlíně, 2023-2024.

About project

Project name: UTB RO/2023/02, Selected Aspects of Human Resource Management Supporting Innovation as a Key Factor of Organizational Performance

Main objective:

Building on previous RVO projects (RO/2016/07, Improving Organizational Performance through Human Capital Management, RO/2018/04, Promoting Knowledge Sharing to Enhance Organizational Performance, RO/2020/03, Knowledge-based View of the Organization), continue research on people-related elements of organizational competitiveness.


  • Addressing barriers to innovation by public administration staff
    1. Identify key staff barriers affecting the uptake of innovation in public administration institutions.
    2. Identify appropriate administrative and technical tools and measures to address the identified staff barriers affecting the uptake of innovation in public administration institutions.
    3. Define appropriate behavioural principles for the design of interventions to address staff barriers affecting the uptake of innovation in public administration institutions.
  • Addressing staff barriers to the introduction of ICT in human resource management
    1. Identify technologies used in manufacturing firms that impact on people work and workplace design.
    2. Characterize how the identified technologies are used, their specific impact on people work and workplace design, and the firm’s expected benefits of using these technologies.
    3. Identify key barriers to the use of identified information, communication and SMART technologies.
    4. Define measures to motivate workers and management in the use of information, communication and SMART technologies in manufacturing firms.
    5. Identify the specifics of employers in the digital platforms and the expectations associated with the development of these organizations, in relation to human resource management
  • Enhancing the innovativeness of organizations through targeted support for knowledge sharing among employees
    1. Identify measures that organisations perceive as effective in promoting knowledge sharing among employees.
    2. Identify measures that organisations perceive as effective for promoting trust in the organisation.
  • Relationship between employee work-life balance and organizational innovativeness
    1. Identify the reasons that lead employers to promote work-life balance among employees, and whether these reasons include the expected impact on organizational innovativeness.
    2. Identify the measures that organisations perceive as effective in promoting employee work-life balance and the factors that may influence their implementation.

Project Annotation:

Organizational innovativeness is related to an organization’s ability to develop and adopt new ideas, technologies, and processes (Kyrgidou and Spyropoulou 2013). A number of previous studies (Kyrgidou and Spyropoulou 2013; Olavarrieta and Friedmann 2008) highlight the importance of innovativeness in enhancing organizational performance. This is not only the case for firms in the business sector, but previous studies (Tajeddini 2016) show a significant impact of innovation on performance also for organizations in the public sector. Research attention is therefore increasingly focused on a deeper understanding of the drivers of innovation. These drivers can undoubtedly include human capital and an organisation’s ability to manage it appropriately. That is a very broad area and therefore the current project targets only 4 components: 1) Addressing the barriers to innovation on the part of public administration employees, 2) Addressing the barriers on the part of employees to the introduction of ICT in human resource management, 3) Enhancing the innovativeness of organisations through targeted support for knowledge sharing among employees, and 4) The relationship between employee work-life balance and organisational innovativeness.

Previous projects have succeeded in developing cooperation with practice through the implementation of ‘sharing workshops’ and ‘sharing excursions’. As close collaboration with practice is crucial for both the implementation of research and the dissemination of its results, we intend to continue these activities.

Project leader:

Ing. Jana Matošková, Ph.D.

Members of the research team:

Ing. Zuzana Crhová, Ph.D., Ing. Zuzana Crhová, Ph.D., Ing, Ing. Lucie Tomancová, Ph.D., doc. PhDr. Ing. Aleš Gregar, CSc., Ing. Lucie Macurová, Ph.D., Ing. Lukáš Danko, Ph.D., Ing. Filip Kučera, Ph.D., Ing. Lubor Homolka, Ph.D., Ing. Lenka Smékalová, Ph.D., Ing. Anastasia Efimova, Elona Çera

Project duration:

2023 – 2024